Marilyn Nagel, Cisco Inclusion & Diversity Director, discuss three ways to promote inclusion during challenging economic times. April 1, 2009.

JWA Video: Cultural Diversity in the WorkPlace
From Jully 22, 2008
Allen Thomas, National Managing Partner of Partner Services and Chief Diversity Officer of Deloitte speaks at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business on February 10, 2009.
University of Teesside Diversity Officer Maddy Holt-Garnerfinds out just how accessible the Students Union is for Disabled Students .
Deborah Dagit, Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President, Diversity, Work Environment & Employee Relations at Merck & Co., Inc., speaks at the City Club of Cleveland about Lessons learned in diversity management: What works and what doesn’t.

Video on student, faculty and workforce diversity presented by Apollo Group Organizational Diversity Officer Charlita Shelton.

Mats Ronningen The Office of Diversity and Integration City of Oslo, Norway ePractice workshop eInclusion: Immigrant and ethnic minority groups, Brussels 13th of November 2008
Click Here to learn how to get diversity officer credentials
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