Job Titles – Diversity Manager/Executive Staffing

This list of titles for cultural diversity and inclusion job positions is based on a 2012 list of organizational officers. The list is categorized into twenty-four categories. These are not well-defined, distinct categories in some ways, but they give you an idea of the distinctions in job role and status the titles are intended to convey.

Diversity Role Titles

  1. Assistant (e.g., Assistant Director of Diversity)
  2. Associate
  3. Chair
  4. Director (e.g., Director of Diversity)
  5. Diversity (e.g., Diversity Manager)
  6. Division
  7. EEO
  8. Global (e.g., Global Diversity Manager)
  9. Group (e.g., Group Vice President)
  10. Head (e.g., Head of Diversity)
  11. Learning (e.g., Learning and Diversity)
  12. ** Manager/Managing
  13. National/Regional
  14. Organizational Development
  15. Professional Development
  16. Program Manager
  17. Project Manager
  18. Recruitment
  19. Senior (e.g., Senior Director)
  20. Special Counsel
  21. Staffing
  22. Suppler Diversity
  23. Talent (e.g., Talent & Diversity Manager)
  24. Vice President

* Titles with Diversity are the most common
** Titles with Manager or Managing are the second most common

Worth Mentioning

  • Titles with the label Director are the most common, but the title descriptions vary considerably.
  • The second most common term is Manager.
  • Director of Diversity is the most common title
  • Diversity Manager is the second most common title
  • Vice President of Diversity is the third ranked title
  • Chief Diversity Officer is the fourth ranked title
  • Vice President is the fifth, but the frequency is relative equal to the frequency with the Chief Diversity Officer title

Click Here to see the detailed list of titles.

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